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Love to Sew Studio produces a yearly fall fashion show every September. Participating in the annual fashion show provides students the opportunity to show off the results of their hard work by showing the clothes they have made for friends and family.

Our studio runs a Junior Fashion show for students ages 7-12, and a Senior Fashion show for students ages 13-18, and adult. By having multiple shows, we are able to keep them at an enjoyable length and ensure that all families are able to secure as many tickets as they desire.

Consistent with our studio philosophy, the fashion shows are always emphasizes fun. We motivate students to be the best that they can be, but we do not expect perfection. We want every student to end the year with an enthusiastic attitude and a positive self-image.


Our Trophy Display for our 2015 Fashion Show, "She's Got Style" celebrating Barbie's 55th!
Our Trophy Display for our 2014 Fashion Show, “She’s Got Style” celebrating Barbie’s 55th!